Saskatchewan Genealogical Society

Welcome To The Moose Jaw Branch

Meetings & Executive
Births & Marriages
Moose Jaw Obits
Towns & Schools
Local History Books
Favorite Links


Our Monthly meetings will be held the 4th Wednesday of every month

(except July August & December )

at the Public Library

In the South Meeting Room, on the second floor


    Our Next Meeting Will Be  

Wednesday January 22, 2025  at 7:00PM

Diana Clark will give a presentation on a Founding Home and Museum

that she visited while in London, England and will provide a history of the home and its purpose over the years


Moose Jaw Public Library, in the South meeting room on second floor.

Everyone welcome




The Executive

President:  Marge Cleave

Vice President: Diane Milton-Smith

Secretary:  Jerry Huculak

Treasurer:  Dennis Daniels

Program Conveners:  Diana Clark, Shirley Lapointe & Jason Antonio

Website:  Tom & Wendy Gray 



Home | Meetings & Executive | Births & Marriages | Moose Jaw Obits | Cemeteries | Towns & Schools | Local History Books | Favorite Links

For problems or questions regarding this Web site contact [ProjectEmail].
Last updated: 10/18/21.