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Moose Jaw City Cemetery - Old And New 

Records from the Parks & Recreation Department

Records from 1900c to 31 December 2023


The Parks & Recreation Department for the City of Moose Jaw maintains and administers the operation of Moose Jaw City Cemetery. The official cemetery records are kept manually and are considered to be the main records.

The following files for the Moose Jaw City Cemetery have been taken from the computer records that were transcribed from the official records. While every effort has been made to make them as complete as possible, they may contain errors and omissions. These records will be updated when errors are brought to the attention of the Parks & Recreation Department, if proper verification is provided.


From the Department's computerized database:

Burial location:  Block, Lot & Grave

Last name

Given name


Date of death

Date of burial


The additional information has been transcribed from the headstones by the Moose Jaw Branch, Saskatchewan Genealogical Society

Birth year

Date of birth

Name on headstone

Additional comments


The information on this Web Site may not be reproduced or distributed without written permission from

Parks & Recreation Department

City Hall 4th floor

228 Main Street N.

Moose Jaw, SK S6H 3J8

Phone  (306) 694-4447


Original Photos were taken 2011

Photos were updated to include burials up to December 2022

Photos of the headstone were taken by Volunteers of Moose Jaw Branch SGS

and may be downloaded for personal use only



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Last updated: 10/18/21.