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Stebbins Private Cemetery

SW 18-19-27-W2, RM Marquis #191

Flossie Wilda Stebbins

Born 25 June 1903, Died March 1904

Daughter of Henry Ward Stebbins and Mary Hannah Parker

The Stebbins family had immigrated to Marquis, Saskatchewan from the USA in 1901 and had obtained the land located at SW 18-19-27-W2, which was SW of Marquis.

In 1903 Henry was instrumental in the organization of the Grand Prairie School #833 which was built on NE 13-19-28-W2 and opened 31 May 1904.

The family included Henry, Mary and 7 children, the 1906 census shows the children listed as Mable, Harry, Bert, Leo, Victor, Neal and Violet all born in the USA. Flossie was born on the farm after the family arrived.

In the 1916 & 1921 census the Stebbins are living on a farm, SE 5-18-5-W3, just north of Chaplin, SK

On the 1935 voters list of BC, Henry and Mary are listed as farmers in the Penticton area. Mary died in 1939 and Henry in 1948 and are buried in Lakeview Cemetery, Penticton, BC


Source of info

Marquis History Book “Marquis Memories” page 52

1906, 1916 & 1921 Saskatchewan Census

1935 BC Voters List

Find A Grave

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Last updated: 10/18/21.